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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Free Artwork

 On Pinterest, awhile ago, I found a lot of "where we've lived" map inspired art work. Since Steven and I moved to Indiana a few years ago, I am always missing our home state (also where we met!). So, what better way to show tribute than artwork that you can see to have as a reminder every day? Well, I hate spending money on things like artwork... I'd rather buy shoes or clothes. So, one night Steve wasn't feeling well and went to bed early. I was at home bored, alone, and decided to try to tackle a Pinterest project... 
 I don't consider myself artistic, WHATSOEVER. But, I am first rate with the scissors and I can trace with the best of them. We have acrylic paints and paper laying around so I decided to give painting our home state as well as our current state a try. I did not expect this project to turn out well- but I buckled down and took my time and was thrilled with the outcome...
 First thing, I did was print out a large outline of IN and WV. Then, I began the tedious project of cutting them out. I was super careful and went super slow because I wanted to make sure to make the states as close to their realities as I could. Once, I had them cut out I put them onto the white canvas paper and traced them with a pencil. Next step, was to mix the paint color I wanted... I decided a sage(ish) green would go best with the blue walls in our office (where I wanted to hang them). So, I mixed a little bit of blue and yellow with a lot of white. Turns out I got a shade I was satisfied with the first try. I took a small brush and started filling in the lines. I put the paint on relatively thick and I like the texture on the outcome... 
 Like I said, I have ZERO artistic ability (which I am working on!) and accomplished this project pretty well. Obviously, the paintings aren't perfect... But, what is?! Steve was proud and impressed with his little surprise when I woke him up to check out the finished project- then immediately went back to bed! I was soo excited with the outcome I HAD to wake him up so I could share it with someone. 
 The next day we went to Hobby Lobby to get frames and mattes for them to be hung. Which was the only part of this project I had to spend money on. I think for both frames and mattes it ended up being around $40.00. Not bad for TWO pieces of artwork! 
 Here are some pictures...
I am not sure why these won't rotate the proper way, but turn your head and pretend. They were still wet in these pictures.
WV... Making sure all of the details of the outline was painted to but not over was the hardest part!
Both framed.
WV Framed
IN framed
Finally, hanging in their new home. 
 I decided to go with a dark blue matte against the lighter blue walls. I like the way it looks. It reminds me of the green of land and the blue of the sea. Even though Steve was quick to point out that both IN and WV are landlocked and not surrounded by water... Whatev, technicalities, shmecnicalities. (Yep, I just made up a word.) Trust me, if I can accomplish this painting project... You can too! Plus, things always mean more to you when you create them with your own two hands! Give it a try...

 Thankful text...
 Today, I am thankful for my wonderful fiance. Who only gets slightly annoyed when I wake him when he is sleeping. Who is always a CONSTANT support system for me. Who loves me, unconditionally, no matter my mood, or how difficult loving me may be at times. Who always sees the best and beauty in me even when I am not looking my best or being the most beautiful person. Who eats all of my food creations; even the epic failure. Who pretends to be interested in things like new furniture, and new shoes to appease me.Who is such an amazing pet-papa that I can't wait to see how amazing of a father he is to our future children. I, truly, hit the husband-to-be-jackpot. Thanks, Babe, for making all of my wishes come true! You inspire me every day.
 Thankful Image...
Steve being a good Papa giving freshly bathed Josie some lovings. She thinks he is her Knight In Shining Armor. He's mine too, kid!

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